  • 私にできることを一生懸命考えています。
    I’m asking myself what kind of contribution I could make.

  • 全てのことは必ずよくなると、みんなに伝えたいです。
    I want to tell you that everything is going to be ok.

  • これからも勇敢で強くいてね。Please be brave and stay strong.

  • 「がんばって」と日本語で書かれた国旗。
    Flag drawing saying that “Hang in there!” in Japanese.

  • 世界中がみんなのことを祈っているから、希望を持ち続けてね!
    Everyone around the world is praying for you so keep hoping!

  • みんなの力で日本を元通りにできるって信じている!
    I believe Japan will recover when people get together and work on it!

  • 笑顔のひまわりの絵。Smiley sunflower.

  • 世界中の友達が描かれた絵。Friends from all corners of the globe.

  • 世界中の人々が勇気や希望を私たちに送ってくれていると聞いて、
    I’m very happy to hear
    that people over the world are sending us encouragement and hope

  • 時々辛くなるけど、友達の笑顔を思い出して「震災に勝つんだ!!」、
    I sometime feel myself weakening,
    but I remember my friends’ smile and try to be brave.
    I tell myself that I will overcome this disaster.

  • お手紙とても感動しました。
    I was so moved by your letter.
    I will be strong and I will help everyone if thy ever need it.
    Please take great care of your family and friends.

  • はがきありがとう。元気が出ました。今一番願っていることは、
    Thank you very much for your letter. It really cheered me up.
    My most fervent with now is to reunite and
    go to school with my separated friends
    who now live far away because of the nuclear accident.

  • 本当に大変なことが起きてしまって残念だけど、
    It’s very sad that this happened.
    But I really appreciated you and people from all over the world.

  • あなたのように日本のことを思ってくれている気持ちが私たちの強い支えになり、
    People like you give us strength and are the power to rise from this disaster

  • 折り紙、下手だけど一生懸命作ったので、見てください。
    I’m not so good at making Origami, but I tried.
    Hope you like it. Thank you very much for your letter !