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依然として480万人が深刻な食糧不足 子ども110万人以上が栄養不良に陥る恐れ

【2017年11月6日  ローマ/ジュバ(南スーダン)発】

南スーダンは収穫期を迎えているものの、紛争が国内のほとんどの地域で続き、ハイパーインフレーションが起こっているために、多くの人々が食糧を得られず、飢餓が終わることはないと、本日政府およびユニセフ(国連児童基金)、FAO(国連食糧農業機関)、WFP(世界食糧計画)ならびに人道支援のパートナー団体により発表された、総合的食料安全保障レベル分類 (Integrated Food Security Phase Classification、略称IPC)の最新報告書は指摘しています。


A child is screened for malnutrition with a Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) tape during a Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) mission in Kaikuiny village, Jonglei State, South Sudan, Friday 25 August 2017. Children with confirmed malnutrition are provided with Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) to treat them. As of August 2017, the nutrition situation in South Sudan remains critical as the country approaches the end of the lean season. UNICEF and partners are working to treat rising levels of severe malnutrition among children brought on by years of conflict and instability. More than one million children in the country are estimated to be malnourished with over 276,000 suffering from severe acute malnutrition, a life-threatening condition. Malaria is endemic in South Sudan, where some 50 children under five die from the illness every week. Across the country, UNICEF and partners are working to prevent and treat malaria. Through funding from the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), the UN Foundation and Nothing But Nets, UNICEF, together with its partner the International Medical Corps, have been working on malaria prevention through Child Health Days, which run for several days each time and provide treatment for malaria, as well as nutrition and health services. With Child Health Days, all pregnant women and children under five years of age are given mosquito nets to protect them while they sleep. Those testing positive for malaria are provided with treatment at no charge.  Close to two million children are out of school in South Sudan due to the ongoing violence across the country. More than 30 percent of schools have closed as a result of the conflict. Through partners, UNICEF is working to improve access to education in the country, by training teachers and providing school supplies such as textbooks, teacher’s kits, recreational kits and school kits, for the students.

© UNICEF/UN0120044/Makundi

栄養不良の検査を受ける子ども。 (2017年8月撮影)


食糧不足の状況は、2018年初頭から悪化し、”hungry season”あるいは ”lean season”と呼ばれる世帯が食糧の底をついた状態で次の収穫を待つ時期が、例年より3カ月早く訪れると予測されます。多くの人々は、”lean season”に対応するすべを持たず、彼らの置かれている状況はさらに脆弱化すると予測されます。





政情不安により食糧の生産が妨げられる状態が続き、市場は混乱したままです。経済の悪化と相まって、食糧価格の極端な高騰を招いています。モロコシ、トウモロコシや小麦粉などの主食の穀物の大袋の値段は、昨年と比較して281%上昇、”lean season”のピークの5月には560%上昇しました。


