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移民の子どもを親から引き離してはならない 子どもの最善の利益を考慮した法の適用望む

【2018年6月19日  ニューヨーク発】


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[RELEASE OBTAINED] On 9 October 2016, 6 month old Luis Zambrano looks up to his mother, Esmeralda Zambrano. They are seated in front of a concrete wall in the living area of their home in Puebla, Mexico. Esmeralda takes part in UNICEF-led program that utilizes innovation and mobile phones to track their Child's development needs and are involved in weekly meetings to discuss questions and needs. The baby is wearing tiny red sneakers and holding a brightly colored maraca. UNICEF's initiatives represented here child protection and inclusion, early childhood development [pre and post natal care]. As part of the UNICEF Brand strategy and re-positioning initiated in 2016, this signature photograph was taken to showcase children being children, as direct or indirect beneficiaries of UNICEF’s work around the world. This photo is designed to be used for both specific messaging around certain programmatic or thematic areas and/or general and emotional use under the modular brand device “for every child, ...”. This photograph is for Commercial use by UNICEF in advertising/promoting its brand eg. outdoor/indoor billboards, airport posters, bus shelter posters, magazine/newspaper adverts, advertisements, brochures, greeting cards etc. Signature photographs for commercial use have signed informed consent from the subject of the photograph for commercial uses as described on the Brand Strategy Photography Release form. These photographs may be used for editorial use & fundraising use by UNICEF too. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is one of the most trusted names in international development and humanitarian action, with a presence in over 190 countries and territories. That trust has been earned over the course of over 70 years by delivering and renewing a promise made to promote the rights and well-being of every child, everywhere. UNICEF’s brand is a strategic asset that improves the organization’s ability to fulfill its mission. It builds goodwil

© UNICEF/UN043866/Lister

母親を見上げる生後6カ月のルイスちゃん。(2016年10月撮影) ※本文と直接の関係はありません







