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【2018年11月8日  東京発】

公益財団法人 日本ユニセフ協会(赤松良子会長・東京都港区)は、『子どもの権利条約(児童の権利に関する条約)』が採択された11月20日(「世界子どもの日」)、スポーツと子どもの課題に特化したユニセフ(国連児童基金)として初めての行動指針(原則)を示す文書、『子どもの権利とスポーツの原則』(Children’s Rights in Sport Principles)を発表します。


San Marcos, San Salvador, El Salvador, Tuesday 23rd September The municipality has made available a building for sports clubs to use, including a Tae Kwon Do club. Lessons run throughout the week and are for about 120 children. Grandmother Haydee Bernal de Acevedo brings her grandsons: 11 year old Yahir Acevedo and 9 year old Gael Eduardo Acevedo at the Tae Kwon Do club.  She said she brings her grandsons here mainly to keep them away from trouble.  “It gives them knowledge and improves their self-esteem” “It's very easy for boys to be influenced by gang members” They have been coming for 4 years and she said it's working. “The main difference in the boys is that they get congratulated and positive feedback for their achievements – they achieve different graded belts and are motivated to get more belts”. GOOD QUOTE " the boys now look up more to their teachers than to gang members" “They now know there are better people in the world (than gang members), their attitude is better and they want to be better at school and at home”. 11 yearr old Yahir says “I love learning Tae Kwon Do. Before, we played soccer on the street.” Younger brother, 9 year old Gael also loves learning this martial art. Yahir is very proud to have his third belt, the green belt. The boys practise together and demonstrate some moves.  UNICEF has supported the municipality in reclaiming a range of public spaces through funding, technical expertise, data gathering and supply of equipment. The success of the initiative means that it can be scaled up and implemented more widely and attract further funding. Violence is

© UNICEF/UN020637/Chanlewis



「『子どもの権利とスポーツの原則』は、 ユニセフとして初めて、私たち一人ひとりが関心をもつこの古くて新しい問題を取り上げる文書です。イニシアティブを発揮してくれた日本ユニセフ協会、原則に関心を持ち、起草に参加して下さった起草委員会のメンバーの皆様、また特に、スポーツ庁をはじめ、日本のスポーツ団体の皆様に御礼申し上げます」「日本ユニセフ協会ならびにパートナーの皆様が日本で初めて作成したこの原則を原点として、ユニセフは、スポーツにおける子どもの権利および子どもの安全の確保の分野における理解をさらに深め、グローバルな原則を策定する予定です」(ユニセフ民間協力渉外局アンドレ・フランコ副局長)




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